Tuesday 9 November 2021

How does car get's air intake on idle?

It is one of the intriguing question linger in my mind before I knew about this. Yes where does car gets air intake during idle? Everything seems to seal closely tight and there is no way for the air to get in unless the gas pedal is press then the throttle body butterfly is wide open for air intake.

After a long search on Google and forums couldn't really found the answer until the OBD2 ELM327 Bluetooth ECU reader came. The data stream from ECU to the OBD2 read throttle body position on idle is always at 11.4% . Was a little surprised as the throttle body butterfly seems to closed tight on idle if you open the filter box to see. 

So it turns out the naked eyes can't really spot the throttle body butterfly valve opening at 11.4% on idle. This data is read by the Throttle Body Sensor (TPS) monitoring the position of the butterfly valve. It's very interesting to know!!. Therefore next time if you notice any value that is way less or too much more than 11.4% on idle either the engine will jerk and die (too low = butterfly valve opening too narrow) or sound like helicopter (high rpm = butterfly valve opening too much).

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